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A Conversation with our National Client Partnership Manager to Talk Client Relationships, Workplace Lessons, and the Future.

A Conversation with our National Client Partnership Manager to Talk Client Relationships, Workplace Lessons, and the Future.

Posted on by Smart Solutions

Since our origins in 2007, we have focused heavily on the perfecting our relationship led approach to ensure that we are providing our clients and candidates with the best service.

After surpassing 12 years of service in Smart, we thought we’d sit down with Karla Conlan, as she divulges the key to delivering a service that have allowed us to become one of the leading labour supplies in the waste and recycling sector.

Pictured: Karla Conlan

How has your time with Smart been?

My time with Smart began over 12 years ago and, in the best way possible, it has been a rollercoaster ever since. Just as can be expected in the world of recruitment, there has never been a dull day. It is extremely fast paced, and I think that is what keeps it interesting for me.

There are so many highlights for me during my time with Smart, from winning employee of the year to mobilising new contracts. But the biggest highlight for me is the relationships we can build with our clients. Our operational partnership model allows us to integrate ourselves and deliver a service that we can be proud of.

Having began my Smart journey as an Onsite Account Manager in 2011, I have been on many twists and turns throughout my time to most recently becoming a member of the Senior Management Team. It has not been an easy journey, but I have enjoyed it every step of the way.

What are your priorities in the workplace?

My focus always remains on doing. So, it’s extremely important to me that I can lead my team by example. Whether that’s being hands on in my approach to every aspect of my role, to building great relationships with clients, suppliers, and candidates.

I love being at the heart of it all. The industry we work in can sometimes be tough, but I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty and get in the thick of it to ensure the best outcome for Smart and its people.

What is a key lesson you have learned during your time with Smart?

There are so many things that I have learnt! But I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that if you always do what you’ve always done, then you will always get what you’ve always got.

Another big one for me is that you must always strive for better and to do better. Regardless of age or job title you are never too experienced to learn.

Oh – and never write an email with emotion!

What are you most excited about for your future with Smart?

With my current role as National Client Partnership Manager, 2 days are never the same. It’s like life on the waltzers, but I think it’s this unpredictability that has allowed me to surpass 12 years of service without feeling like I’ve gone stagnant.

I’m excited to be surrounded by likeminded individuals, so we all share the same ethics, and are striving for the same goals. Maybe it’s cheesy to say, but I think I am just excited about it all. I’m excited about reaching another 12 years, and so on.


Read more about Karla’s role and background here.

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